Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Here are some pictures from a squatter community in Las Esperanza, Honduras.
If you click on the pictures you will get a full screen picture and better quality.

We are working on the foundation of a house for an elderly lady. She and daughters and grandchildren will all live here. The footing is dug by hand and the concrete is mixed by hand. A group of athletes from the University of Arkansas are helping make this possible.

Here is a group of children at the construction site enjoying some recreation. We have built several houses in the community and they have made us feel quite welcome.

This is a Saturday evening worship service. that we put on for this community. It is awesome to watch God move in the hearts of these people.

The athletes from Arkansas University put on a dinner for the students enrolled in the Hope and a Future program. This was a very fun evening.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

God's calling

Dear Friends,

Life is full of adventures. After 34 years of employment with Deluxe Financial Services, I am excited to announce my plans to pursue the adventure of full time ministry in Honduras. In this new season I will be serving the Lord by expressing God’s love to the Honduran people.

Approximately three years ago, I had the opportunity to attend Perspectives on the World Christian Movement. This class was quite an eye-opener. It changed my view of history and the world today. During the class I began to think about what I wanted to give my life in service to. A burden developed in my heart for the unreached people of the world. Soon after completing the class, I went on my first mission trip to Honduras. I have returned three times since then, and my love for the Honduran people continues to grow. My desire is to help change the lives of the children there who have so little and need so much. It’s a big deal to these kids to be held and to know that they are loved.

I will be serving with Mercy International, where we will build homes and do medical outreaches and focus on youth ministries. There are over 50 children enrolled in the Hope and a Future student scholarship program. In addition to our outreaches to the poor, we train missionaries for overseas missions. I’m excited because most of these missionaries will serve in the 10/40 window, that area of our world where the need is the greatest.

Last year, after a decade of working for Christ to bring the Gospel to the Opalaca Mountains, we constructed the first evangelical church for the Lenca Indians. I was blessed to be a part of the first construction crew to work on this church building. It is exciting to be in the middle of what God is doing and to see a part of His eternal plan for these people.

Would you pray about being a partner with us as we reach out to the lost? I have a goal of raising $2,800 a month for financial support. This will go toward Spanish language school, travel expenses, room and board and ministry expenses. Please prayerfully consider these opportunities for you to be a part of what God is doing in Honduras and beyond. Will you trust God with me for this ministry?

Sincerely in Him,

Brian L. Rothove


P.S. You can find out more about Mercy International at

I am committed to serve two years at the very least. You can contact me for more details about what part you may want to play in this ministry. Please keep me and this ministry in your prayers as we prepare for this adventure. God bless you.

Friday, November 27, 2009


In the spring of 2007, I took a class called Perspectives on the World Christian Movement. This is a fifteen week course that taught about God's heart for the nations and people groups of the world. This class had a huge impact in my life. I went on my first mission trip to Honduras in July of 2007. I returned in October to help with a building project and in the spring of 2008 I spent 10 weeks to get a taste of what long term missions would be like.
I saw God working in the lives of these people, providing for their needs and drawing them to Himself. I got to be a part of the group that started construction of the first evangelical church in Agua Caliente, a village of the Lenca tribe. I also saw the student in the Hope and a Future Program grow in their faith and love for God.
Here is a video of those three trips.


Thursday, November 26, 2009

Dancing with God

I found this on Clint's blog and thought you would enjoy it.

Dancing With God
When I meditated on the word Guidance,
I kept seeing "dance" at the end of the word.
I remember reading that doing God's will is a lot like dancing.
When two people try to lead, nothing feels right.
The movement doesn't flow with the music,
and everything is quite uncomfortable and jerky.
When one person realizes that, and lets the other lead,
both bodies begin to flow with the music.
One gives gentle cues, perhaps with a nudge to the back
or by pressing Lightly in one direction or another.
It's as if two become one body, moving beautifully.
The dance takes surrender, willingness,
and attentiveness from one person
and gentle guidance and skill from the other.
My eyes drew back to the word Guidance.
When I saw "G": I thought of God, followed by "u" and "i".
"God, "u" and "i" dance."
God, you, and I dance.
As I lowered my head, I became willing to trust
that I would get guidance about my life.
Once again, I became willing to let God lead.
My prayer for you today is that God's blessings
and mercies are upon you on this day and everyday.
May you abide in God, as God abides in you.
Dance together with God, trusting God to lead
and to guide you through each season of your life.
This prayer is powerful and there is nothing attached.
If God has done anything for you in your life,
please share this message with someone else.
There is no cost but a lot of rewards;
so let's continue to pray for one another.
And I Pray We All Dance Today
~ Author unknown

Life is a Journey

Here we are again, on the threshold of something new. This is my first attempt at blogging. The reason for this attempt is to share what God is doing in my life. In the last ten years I have been through many things. I went through a painful divorce and saw how faithful God was as He brought comfort and healing. Both of my daughter (Chelsea and Bree) went through their teenage years which were great and also challenging years. God taught how to trust Him and let go of my children. Chelsea and Bree are truly a blessing to me and I thank God for them. There have also been the challenges of work and the stress it brings.
I have experienced the love of God in so many ways, He has set me free to worship Him. I have been brought to tears so many times over His goodness and grace. I have read dozens of books over the years that have helped me get to know Him and love Him. I have spent lots of time reading and studying the Bible which is a treasure chest and a love letter to His children. The Spirit of God has spoke to me many times through His word. He has promised to take care of us if we follow Him, I have found this to be true.
I want everyone to know how great our God is. That He is who He says He is and will do what He says He will do. He is trustworthy.
He will be with us on our journey and we will meet Him face to face at the end of our journey.
