Tuesday, December 1, 2009

God's calling

Dear Friends,

Life is full of adventures. After 34 years of employment with Deluxe Financial Services, I am excited to announce my plans to pursue the adventure of full time ministry in Honduras. In this new season I will be serving the Lord by expressing God’s love to the Honduran people.

Approximately three years ago, I had the opportunity to attend Perspectives on the World Christian Movement. This class was quite an eye-opener. It changed my view of history and the world today. During the class I began to think about what I wanted to give my life in service to. A burden developed in my heart for the unreached people of the world. Soon after completing the class, I went on my first mission trip to Honduras. I have returned three times since then, and my love for the Honduran people continues to grow. My desire is to help change the lives of the children there who have so little and need so much. It’s a big deal to these kids to be held and to know that they are loved.

I will be serving with Mercy International, where we will build homes and do medical outreaches and focus on youth ministries. There are over 50 children enrolled in the Hope and a Future student scholarship program. In addition to our outreaches to the poor, we train missionaries for overseas missions. I’m excited because most of these missionaries will serve in the 10/40 window, that area of our world where the need is the greatest.

Last year, after a decade of working for Christ to bring the Gospel to the Opalaca Mountains, we constructed the first evangelical church for the Lenca Indians. I was blessed to be a part of the first construction crew to work on this church building. It is exciting to be in the middle of what God is doing and to see a part of His eternal plan for these people.

Would you pray about being a partner with us as we reach out to the lost? I have a goal of raising $2,800 a month for financial support. This will go toward Spanish language school, travel expenses, room and board and ministry expenses. Please prayerfully consider these opportunities for you to be a part of what God is doing in Honduras and beyond. Will you trust God with me for this ministry?

Sincerely in Him,

Brian L. Rothove



P.S. You can find out more about Mercy International at http://www.beyondmercy.com

I am committed to serve two years at the very least. You can contact me for more details about what part you may want to play in this ministry. Please keep me and this ministry in your prayers as we prepare for this adventure. God bless you.

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