Thursday, November 26, 2009

Life is a Journey

Here we are again, on the threshold of something new. This is my first attempt at blogging. The reason for this attempt is to share what God is doing in my life. In the last ten years I have been through many things. I went through a painful divorce and saw how faithful God was as He brought comfort and healing. Both of my daughter (Chelsea and Bree) went through their teenage years which were great and also challenging years. God taught how to trust Him and let go of my children. Chelsea and Bree are truly a blessing to me and I thank God for them. There have also been the challenges of work and the stress it brings.
I have experienced the love of God in so many ways, He has set me free to worship Him. I have been brought to tears so many times over His goodness and grace. I have read dozens of books over the years that have helped me get to know Him and love Him. I have spent lots of time reading and studying the Bible which is a treasure chest and a love letter to His children. The Spirit of God has spoke to me many times through His word. He has promised to take care of us if we follow Him, I have found this to be true.
I want everyone to know how great our God is. That He is who He says He is and will do what He says He will do. He is trustworthy.
He will be with us on our journey and we will meet Him face to face at the end of our journey.


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